صورة الأنا والآخر فی کتاب الرحلة إلی أمریکا لمحمد لبیب البَتَنونی

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 الدکتوراه، فی اللغة العربیة وآدابها، مجمّع فارابی، جامعة طهران، قم، إیران

2 أستاذ، مساعد فی قسم اللغة العربیة وآدابها، جامعة الآزاد الإسلامیة فی جیرفت، جیرفت، إیران.

3 أستاذ، مساعد فی قسم اللغة العربیة وآدابها بجامعة الأدیان والمذاهب، قم، إیران.


تُعدّ الصورلوجیا أو الصورة الأدبیّة مبحثاً من مباحث الأدب المقارن التی تشتغل بتوضیح الصورة والبحث عن قیمتها الأدبیّة إلی جانب التعرّف الثقافی علی الآخر. وبهذا یساعد الأدب المقارن أن یعرف کل أمة مکانتها عند سائر الشعوب وأن تری صورتها فی مرآة غیرها. یهدف البحث إلی وصف صورة الآخر وکیفیة استحضاره فی کتاب الرحلة إلی أمریکا للبتنونی وکذلک مقارنته بما عاشتْه الأنا بأنواعها المختلفة من خلال المنهج الوصفی التحلیلی المقارن، فیبحث عن مواقف الکاتب ورؤیته النقدیة تجاه الآخر الأجنبی. ومن أهم نتائج البحث هی أنّ صورة الأنا أو النحن أو الهویة العربیة تحضر کأداة للمقارنة بین الأنا العربیة والآخر الأمریکی. والآخر المقبول فی أثر الکاتب توزّع بین الانبهار والإعجاب بمنجزاته ورفض بعض سمات الآخر المختلف عنه دینیّاً وثقافیّاً وعلمیّاً وحضاریّاً. إنّه یری الواقع الثقافی الأجنبی متفوّقاً علی الثقافة الوطنیّة، وهذا لیس بمعنی التجاهل لمشاکل الآخر وعدم تبنی رؤیة نقدیة تجاهه. ویمکن القول أنّ صورة الأنا ترتبط بمفهوم الشعب المصری وما یشکّل تراثه وحضارته وقیمه، وصورة الآخر الأمریکی فی أثره تنطوی علی صورة سلبیّة کالتبعیض العنصری، وعدم العدالة وصورة إیجابیة کالحریّة، وتفوّقه فی العناصر الثقافیة والاجتماعیة والاقتصادیة والسیاسیة.



عنوان مقاله [English]

The Image of the Self and the Other in the Book The Journey to America by Muhammad Labib Al-Batnouni

نویسندگان [English]

  • Sakineh Hosseini 1
  • Esmaeil Eslami 2
  • Masoud Bavanpuri 3
1 PhD in Arabic Language and Literature, Farabi Campus of Tehran University, Qom, Iran.
2 Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Jiroft branch, Jiroft, Iran.
3 Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Religions and Denominations, Qom, Iran.
چکیده [English]

Imageology or literary image is one of the subjects of comparative literature, which, in addition to knowing another culture, explains the image and searches for its literary value. Comparative literature helps each nation to know its place among other nations, and to see its image in the mirror of others. The aim of the research is to describe another and how he appeared in the book "Journey to America" by al-Batnouni, and also to compare another with different types of mine with a descriptive and analytical approach. Therefore, the writer's critical point of view is searched for the other. One of the most important results of the research is that the image of Arab me, or us, is presented as a tool for comparing the Arab self and the American other. The other, which is acceptable in the author's work, is divided between the admiration and admiration of his achievements and the denial of some other characteristics that are different from him in terms of religion, culture, science and civilization. He considers the foreign cultural reality superior to the national culture, and this does not mean ignoring the problems and not having a critical view of the other. My image is linked with the Egyptian people, their heritage, civilization and values, and another American image in his work includes a negative image such as racial discrimination, injustice and a positive image such as freedom and other superiority in social, economic and political cultural elements. 
Humans are always trying to communicate with others. Over time, the use of images became an essential way to show the need of each person to another. " ego" can be known in literature as a person who is trying to communicate, know and introduce another person. Literature allows us to know another culture by using existing experiences about another culture. Imagery means the study of another image and its elements in literature and art. Imageology is actually considered a school and a method to examine the image of countries in the works of an author. The purpose of imagery is to examine the image of an insider's culture in other literature or another culture in insider's literature. In literature, imagery is more related to comparative literature than any department and is examined in this department. The foundation of comparative literature in France was based on imagery. And the influence that is the beginning of French people's view of foreign literature depends on knowing the image of others. The book Journey to America is a travelogue that shows the realities of the author's land and America, and the author shows the audience their morals, habits, and imitation during his visit to the places of this land. One of the characteristics of this work is that the author is precise in describing his observations and we find out that the other one has many pictures. A land that the author considers superior in many scientific, cultural, political and economic elements. But besides them, he also describes the negative features of this land, such as racial discrimination and injustice. Besides introducing others, the author better understands the culture and conditions of his land. And he considers another image as a mirror that depicts the realities of his land.
This research tries to analyze the image of me and the other in the book Journey to America by al-Batanoni using descriptive and analytical method, and in the framework of comparative literature, and to analyze different types of "me" such as individual and social me. Other negative images of the American society, such as racial discrimination, injustice, and inequality, as well as its positive images, such as freedom and progress in cultural, social, political, and economic elements, should be analyzed.
Results and Discussion:
One of the most important results of the research is that the image of Arab me, us, or identity is presented as a tool for comparison between the Arab self and the American other. The other, which is acceptable in the author's work, is divided between the fascination and admiration of his scientific, industrial and economic achievements and the denial of some other characteristics that are different from him in terms of religion, culture, science and civilization. He considers foreign cultural reality to be superior to national culture, and we are often fascinated by the American model, and this does not mean ignoring the problems of others and not taking a critical view of them. It can be said that my image is linked to the concept of the Egyptian people and what constitutes their heritage, civilization and values, and another American image in its influence includes a negative image such as racial discrimination, injustice and equality and a positive image such as freedom and excellence in education. and nurturing and other superiority in cultural, social, economic and political elements.
The author presents vivid depictions of both Arab and American societies, taking into account their social, cultural, political, and economic conditions, as well as the influence of the environment. Through this lens, he articulates his intellectual frameworks and engages with others. The author realistically portrays the circumstances in both regions, steering clear of exploitation. He authentically represents the behaviors and customs of ego and the other in a real way and makes the audience eager to get to know the "other" more deeply. By highlighting the shortcomings of Arab society while also showcasing the positive aspects of the "other", he contributes to essential cultural development. This research can guide the audience's thinking and judgment, revealing a more profound understanding of reality.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Image
  • Ego
  • American other
  • Travel literature
  • Al-Batnouni

عنوان مقاله [العربیة]

تصویر خود و دیگری در کتاب سفر به آمریکا نوشته محمد لبیب البتنونی

چکیده [العربیة]

تصویر‌‌شناسی یا تصویر ادبی یکی از موضوعات ادبیات تطبیقی است که علاوه بر شناخت فرهنگ دیگری، به تبیین تصویر و جستجوی ارزش ادبی آن می‌پردازد. ادبیات تطبیقی به هر ملتی کمک می‌کند تا جایگاه خود را در میان اقوام دیگر بشناسد، و تصویر خود را در آینه دیگران ببیند. هدف پژوهش توصیف دیگری و چگونگی حضور او در کتاب «سفر به آمریکا» نوشته البتنونی است و همچنین مقایسه دیگری با انواع مختلف من با رویکرد توصیفی و تحلیلی است. از این رو دیدگاه انتقادی نویسنده نسبت به دیگری را جستجو می‌کند. از مهم‌ترین نتایج تحقیق این است که تصویر من عرب، یا ما به عنوان ابزاری برای مقایسه بین خود عرب و دیگری آمریکایی ارائه می‌شود. دیگری که در اثر نویسنده قابل قبول است، بین شیفتگی و تحسین دستاوردهای او و نفی برخی از ویژگی های دیگری که از نظر دینی، فرهنگی، علمی و تمدنی با او متفاوت است، تقسیم می‌شود. او واقعیت فرهنگی بیگانه را برتر از فرهنگ ملی می‌داند، و این به معنای نادیده گرفتن مشکلات و عدم دیدگاه انتقادی نسبت به دیگری نیست. تصویر من با مردم مصر، میراث، تمدن و ارزش‌های آن‌ها پیوند خورده است و تصویر دیگری آمریکایی در اثر وی شامل تصویری منفی مانند تبعیض نژادی، بی‌عدالتی و تصویر مثبتی مانند آزادی و نیز برتری دیگری در عناصر فرهنگی اجتماعی، اقتصادی و سیاسی می شود.

کلیدواژه‌ها [العربیة]

  • تصویر
  • من
  • دیگر آمریکایی
  • ادبیات سفر
  • البتنونی
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