بررسی گفتمان اجتماعی زنان در رمان رائحة الورد و أنوف لا تشم و این خیابان سرعت‌گیر ندارد (واکاوی براساس گفتمان انتقادی نورمن فرکلاف)

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 دانش‎آموخته دکتری زبان و ادبیات عربی، دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی، دانشگاه رازی، کرمانشاه، ایران

2 استاد گروه زبان و ادبیات عربی، دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی، دانشگاه رازی، کرمانشاه، ایران


مبنای پژوهش حاضر، الگوی گفتمان انتقادی نورمن فرکلاف است. کارکرد آن، بازبینیِ شرایط خاصی است که متن در آن آفریده شده است. بر این اساس رمان رائحة الورد اثر احسان عبدالقدوس و داستان این خیابان سرعت‌گیر ندارد نوشتة مریم جهانی واکاوی شده‌اند. هدف پژوهش حاضر آن است در سایۀ الگوی انتقادی فرکلاف، پس‌زمینۀ اندیشۀ دو نویسنده بازشناسی شود. یکی براساس اندیشه‌های مردانه‌اش و دیگری ظرافت‌های زنانه‌اش، علیه الگوهای تحمیلی مردسالارانه در جامعه، تاخته‌اند. تلاش عبدالقدوس آن است با تکیه بر واژگانِ متن، جامعه‌ای را بازنمایی کند که دیدگاه آن، به‌طور کلّی نسبت به زنان و به‌ویژه نسبت به زنان مطلّقه، نگرشی نابسامان است. هدف نهایی عبدالقدوس پس از بازنشانی شرایط نامطلوب، القای خودآگاهی زنان نسبت به شرایط خود و سپس تشویق آنان برای مشارکت و یافتن راهی برای اصلاح وضع موجود و عبور از بحران اجتماعی است؛ از سوی دیگر داستان جهانی، تصویرآفرینی از جامعه‌ای است که مردسالاری در آن، موانعی را برای زنان در دست‌یابی به استقلال ایجاد می‌کند و درنهایت نسبت به انفعال زنان دربرابر اندیشه‌های مردسالاری، انتقاد می‌کند.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Examining the social Discourse of Women in the Novel Ra’eh Al-Word and Anoof La Tashm and This Street Has No Speed Bump (Analysis Based on Normal Farclaf’s Critical Discourse)

نویسندگان [English]

  • Abbas Karimi 1
  • Vahid Sabzianpoor 2
  • Ali Salimi 2
  • Tooraj Zinivand 2
1 Ph.D. of Arabic Language and Literature Dept, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran
2 Professor of Arabic Language and Literature Dept, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran
چکیده [English]


The basis of the current research is Norman Fairclough's model of critical discourse. Its function is to review the specific conditions in which the text was created. Based on this, the novel "Smell of Alvard" by Ehsan Abdul Qadoos and the story of "This street has no speed limiter" written by Maryam Jahani have been analyzed. The aim of the current research is to recognize the background of the two writers' thoughts in the shadow of Fairclough's critical model. One is based on his masculine thoughts and the other is his feminine elegance, against the imposed patterns of patriarchy in the society. By relying on the words of the text, Abdul Qadoos' attempt is to represent a society whose view, in general, towards women and especially towards divorced women, is a disordered attitude. After resetting the unfavorable conditions, the final goal of Abdul Qudous is to induce women's self-awareness about their conditions and then encourage them to participate and find a way to correct the existing situation and overcome the social crisis. On the other hand, the world story is a depiction of a society in which patriarchy creates obstacles for women to achieve independence and finally criticizes the passivity of women against patriarchal ideas. The current research tries to point out the resetting of women's problems in their mentioned societies by using two novels belonging to the contemporary literature of Egypt and Iran. The novel "Smell of Alood and Anf La Tasham" by Ehsan Abdul Qudous and this street does not have a speed limiter by Maryam Jahani is the product of two ideas from Arabic and Persian literature, which can be seen in the shadow of Norman Farklough's structure and model, the commonalities in theoretical foundations as well as the differences in ideas. On the way to reach the desired strategy of the authors, which will be mentioned in the research.

Materials and methods

Ehsan Abdul Qudous is one of the contemporary storytellers of Egypt. His most obvious literary feature can be counted in his critical spirit towards social issues. In the course of resetting his literary history, it can be claimed that he is one of the few male writers who, in the field of women's feminism; That is, the defense of their lost rights has had a hand on the fire, therefore, he has spent most of his efforts in defending women's rights, exposing gender inequality, and especially supporting the defenseless world of divorced women. Looking at the works of this Egyptian writer, we can see that the simplest way in his approach is based on the self-awareness of women in society. The second topic discussed in this article is Maryam Jahani and the analysis of her novel. He is one of the young and contemporary writers of Iran, whose novel won the 10th Jalal Al-Ahmed Literary Award. His purpose in creating the mentioned story can be seen as a kind of alignment with Ehsan Abdul Qudous because he also admits in his novel that the first step to get out of the shadow of society's threadbare customs is to think differently in order to reach self-awareness.
The purpose of this method, especially in the analysis of texts and relying on its critical approach, is to reveal the hidden truths behind the text; Because the truths are not clear in the texts. After clarifying this importance, the point is why and how these facts are hidden behind the words of the text?! Discourseology actually wants to represent the socio-political institutions in the society

Results and Discussion

Among the most important concepts of discourse analysis is the concept of power. This concept is one of the most fundamental concepts among discourse scholars, which has always been disputed since the very beginning of the formation of the critical model. Although by referring to the course of its emergence in recent years, we can remove the veil of this difference, but this issue can also be the thread of the reasons for the formation of its multiple trends; Therefore, it is logical to examine the way of explaining its meaning from Fairclough's point of view. Basically, every text is created in special social conditions and always contains values ​​that are considered in the interpretation stage. In other words, the premise of discourse analysis is that the ideology of the author of the text is rooted in his environment. Fairclough believes that the basis of interpretation is background knowledge in the critic's mind. In fact, contextual knowledge makes sense of the formal characteristics of the text by relying on three subsections of description, namely vocabulary, grammar, and text structure; Therefore, "the stage of interpretation will be the result of the interaction of the stage of formal description of the text (the same linguistic clues) with the background knowledge of the interpreter's mind." (Aghagolzadeh, 1387: 273) By focusing on the selection of the title in both novels, it can be claimed that both authors have consciously acted on the selection of the title for the story and based on it, they have started their critical policy from the very beginning. In general, it is possible to represent the common goal of both writers to represent the loneliness and oppression of women, but with the difference that Abdul Qudous constantly shows the unpleasant atmosphere of his society in the hope that his audience will choose a way to reset their position and from this path In a way, to act on self-awareness and self-action among women, but Maryam Jahani has displayed the image of a lonely but courageous woman to show her audience that it is necessary to constantly strive to regain the lost position.


Relying on linguistic techniques, the authors of both novels have been able to show the relationship between linguistic elements and the social conditions governing their society in relation to the position of women in general and divorced women in particular; In other words, the linguistic structure of both stories has special similarities that often indicate words with an ideological load, which can be used to reread the state and structure of thought, the attitude of women and their status in the societies of Egypt and Iran. The similarity in the approach of both authors can be seen in the use of targeted words. Abdol Qudous has criticized women and the challenges they face by citing the repetition of certain words, and in this way, he has not shied away from repeating the target words.  Finally, the content of the discussed stories shows that both authors were involved in common issues, including important factors in the emergence and background of the crisis; Have noted.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • women's social discourse
  • Norman Fairclough pattern Ehsan Abdul Qudous
  • Maryam Jahani

عنوان مقاله [العربیة]

تحلیل الخطاب الإجتماعی للنساء فی روایتان رائحة الورد و أنوف لا تشم واین خیابان سرعت‌گیر ندارد (التحلیل مبنیّاً علی الخطاب النقدی للفیرکلاف)

چکیده [العربیة]

تتمثّلُ اسلوبُ نورمن فیرکلاف، مراجعةَ الشروط التی تَتِمُّ فیها إنشاء النصِّ. تحتوی الأسلوب المذکور سابقاً، مراحل ثلاثیة الجوانب لتحلیل النصّ. هی ترکزُ علی توصیف النصّ بهدف تمثیل البُنیة النحویة. فَیتمُّ تفسیرُ النصِّ اعتماداً علی المعرفة السیاقیة للناقدِ التی تتحقّقُ مِن التوصیف و أخیراً فی مرحلة التبیین، فُحِصَ دورُ العوامل ِالإجتماعیة التی تُؤثّرُ فی إنشاء النصِّ. قد‌تمَّ التحقیقُ مَبنیاً علی هذا الأسلوب؛ روایتان «رائحة الورد و أنوف لا تشم لاحسان عبدالقدوس و «هذا الشارع لیس لها مانع لمریم جهانی». إنّ الغرض الأساسی مِن هذه الدراسة هو التعرّفُ علی آراء المؤلّفینِ فی إطار اسلوب فیرکلاف. أحدهما قائمٌ على أفکاره الذکوریة والآخر قائمةٌ علی رشاقاتها الأنثویة، قد انتقدوا علی اسلوب المفروضة مِن جانب المجتمع. حاولَ عبدالقدوس مبنیاً علی مفرادته المستعملة فی روایته أنّه توجدُ التعالیقُ الخاطئةُ بالنسبة للنسوان بشکلٍ عام و للمطلقات بشکلٍ خاصّ فی مجتمعه. إنه یرید إعطاء المرأة الوعی ابنابراینتی ثمّ شجّعهنّ على إیجاد طریقةً للخروج مِن الأزمة الإجتماعیة. مِن جهةٍ أخری؛ إنّ مریم جهانی ککاتبةٍ ایرانیةٍ تدافع عن حقوق المرأة، فهی صوّرتْ صورةً مِن مجتمعها الذی یظهر فیه العالم الأبوی کحاجزٍ أمام استقلال المرأة و أخیراً انتقدتْ مِن الإنفعال الموجودة ضد الأفکار الأبویِة بین النسوان.

کلیدواژه‌ها [العربیة]

  • الخطاب الإجتماعی للنساء
  • نورمن فیرکلاف
  • احسان عبدالقدوس
  • مریم جهانی
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