نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی
عنوان مقاله [English]
Comparative or comparative literature is a branch of literary criticism that talks about the literary relations of nations and different languages and the interaction between the literatures of nations with each other. It covers different languages and nationalities. Comparative literature is, on the one hand, the study of literature within the limits of a specific country, and on the other hand, the study of connections between literature and other fields of human knowledge. This field in Iran, like any other country, has received the attention of its researchers and the volume of its outputs is increasing day by day. Considering that the purposeful management of science and knowledge is necessary to obtain a well-founded knowledge and evaluation of the current state of a scientific field.
materials and methods
This research has been carried out with the aim of evaluating and scientometrically, clustering and drawing the knowledge map of comparative literature in Iran, based on its scientific productions. The studied community is all the documents of this field in all information formats and the research method is based on the synonym analysis of the texts. The findings include: general evaluation of publications, growth rate of documents, collaboration and co-authorship, interdisciplinary relations, determination of core journals, hot and widely used concepts, clustering of concepts and drawing of knowledge map. Considering that the purposeful management of science and knowledge is necessary to gain knowledge and reasoned assessment of the current state of a scientific field, and in this regard, scientometrics and clustering of a scientific field can be useful, in the present study it is tried The field of comparative literature knowledge publications in Iran should be analyzed and evaluated in order to provide the field of science and knowledge management in this high demand field in the country. Considering that the purposeful management of science and knowledge is necessary to gain knowledge and reasoned assessment of the current state of a scientific field, and in this regard, scientometrics and clustering of a scientific field can be useful, in the present study it is tried The field of comparative literature knowledge publications in Iran should be analyzed and evaluated in order to provide the field of science and knowledge management in this high demand field in the country.
Results and discussion
In this research, a comprehensive picture of the state of knowledge production in this field is presented in Iran, so that we can get a more detailed understanding of it; Therefore, evaluations are made based on scientific methods, clustering and knowledge map. The results of this research indicate that the trend of publications in this field is increasing in the last seven years, and its growth rate was calculated as 15.34%. Meanwhile, the growth of articles is more than other documents. In this research, it was found that more than 65% of the articles are published in ten journals. It was also found in this research that cooperation and co-authorship is at a weak level. Based on clustering Concepts, it was determined that the documents of this field in Iran are classified into 19 information clusters and most of the concepts were in the focus of the comparison of Persian and Arabic literature. Drawing the map of this field also showed that there are complex relationships between documents and texts of this field in Iran.
The obtained results indicate that due to the wide range of topics discussed in this field, its clustering is diverse and inconsistent. In general, the clustering of the concepts formed in the field of comparative literature of Iran will provide a suitable ground for qualitative and theoretical researches. Drawing a scientific map of the concepts of the field of comparative literature based on the documents produced in this field was one of the other results of this research. The analysis of documents in this field led to the creation of two maps in this research. The first map visualizes the conceptual relationships between the documents, and the second map shows us the hot spots that need attention.
کلیدواژهها [English]
عنوان مقاله [العربیة]
مسح العلوم وتکتّلها وخریطة المنتجات العلمیة للأدب المقارن فی إیران
چکیده [العربیة]إنّ الأدب المقارن هو دراسة محددة لبلد خاص من جهة ومن جهة أخری هو دراسة للعلاقات بین الآداب والعلوم المختلفة. لقد إهتمّ الباحثون فی إیران کالبلدان الأخری بهذا المجال إهتماماً بالغاً بحیث کثرت منتجاته العلمیة یوم بعد یوم ونظراً الی أنّ الإدارة المستهدفة للمعلومات بحاجة الی معرفة وتقییم للحالة الراهنة، یستهدف هذا المقال الی دراسة موضوع: «مسح العلوم وتکتّلها وخریطة المنتجات العلمیة للأدب المقارن فی إیران» مواد هذه الدراسة هی کل الوثائق لهذا الحقل فی اشکالها المعلوماتیة علی اساس الکلمات المشترکة. إنّ الإنجازات البحثیة هی: تقییم عامّ للمنشورات، معدل لنمو الوثائق، التعاون والتکاتب بین الکتّاب، علاقات متعددة التخصصات، تعیین المجلات المرکزیة، المفاهیم المرجعیة، التکتّل للمفاهیم ورسم خریطة للعلوم فی الأدب المقارن. إنّ نتائج هذه الدراسة تدلّ علی أنّ نموّ المنشورات فی هذا المجال طیلة سبعه السنوات الأخیرة ازدادت کثیراً ومعدّل نموها تساوی 34/15% وأنّ نموّ المقالات اکثر من غیرها. أثبتت هذه الدراسة أنّ اکثر من 65% من المقالات انتشرت فی عشر مجلات کما أثبتت أنّ التعاون و التکاتب بین کتّاب المقالات فی مستو ضعیف جدّاً و علی أساس التکتّل للمفاهیم التی تقوم بها هذه الدراسة تبیّن أنّ الوثائق لهذا المجال فی إیران تجمع فی 19 تکتّل معلوماتیّ وأنّ أکثر المفاهیم المرجعیة تدور حول المقارنة بین الأدبین الفارسی والعربی کما أنّ رسم الخریطة لهذا المجال تدلّ علی وجود علاقات معقّدة بین الوثائق والنصوص فی الأدب المقارن فی إیران.
کلیدواژهها [العربیة]