بررسی تطبیقی رمانتیسم اجتماعی در داستان کوتاه گیله‌مرد اثر بزرگ علوی و النّهر زکریا تامر

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


بزرگ علوی و زکریا تامر، هر دو از نویسندگان توانای دنیای معاصر به شمار می­روند. اوضاع آشفتة سیاسی و اجتماعیِ تقریباً مشابهِ حاکم بر عصر هر دو، باعث شده است که در نویسندگی و به خصوص داستان کوتاه، رویّه­ای تقریباً یکسان را در پیش گیرند. داستان گیله­مرد و النّهر که هر دو نمونه­ای موفّق در زمینۀ داستان کوتاه به شمار می­روند، اوضاع اجتماعی دوران خویش را با زبانی نمادین و تقریباً پوشیده به چالش می­کشند. پرداخت صحنه­های طبیعت و ویژگی شخصیّت­های موجود در هر دو، در خدمت پیش­برد داستان است؛ به طوری که خواننده را در فضای داستان سهیم و پیام مورد نظر صاحب اثر را به او انتقال می­دهند. طبیعت، بازیابی شخصیّت زن، توجّه به نابرابری­های موجود در جامعه، استبداد و خفقان حاکم، از مهم­ترین مؤلّفه­های اجتماعی موجود و مشابه در دو اثر به شمار می­روند که ضرورت انجام این پژوهش را دوچندان کرده است. هدف از این پژوهش توصیفی – تحلیل، بررسی و تطبیق رمانتیسم جامعه­ گرا و بیان موارد تشابه و تفاوت موجود در هر دو اثر، در چارچوب مکتب آمریکایی است. هر دو داستان از وحدت تأثیر برخوردار هستند؛ تأثیر ظلم و بیدادی است که هیئت حاکمه بر عامّۀ مردم اعمال می­کنند و به شکلی نمادین در پهنۀ هر دو داستان به تصویر کشیده شده است؛ با این تفاوت که پرداخت صحنه­ها در داستان گیله­مرد واقعی و عینی­تر است؛ برخلاف داستان النّهر که همراه با تخیّل و دیریاب­تر است.


عنوان مقاله [English]

A comparative study of social romanticism in the short story Gileh-Mard by Bozorg Alavi and Al-Nahar by Zakaria Tamer

چکیده [English]


Romanticism has had diverse and sometimes distinct characteristics in a long time span, in different periods. This school is one of the most complex philosophical, social and literary schools of the contemporary era, whose contradictory and conflicting aspects have prevented sociologists and literary critics from defining it comprehensively. In a way that some researchers have called it a signifier without a signifier, and others have invented romanticisms and not romanticism to get rid of such a dead end (cf. Jafari Jezi, 1378: 19- 27). Some have said: "Romanticism is actually a philosophical and literary movement that emphasizes the primacy of feeling and imagination instead of reason and rationality in the field of literature, and heralds the artist's absolute freedom from poetic constraints, including prosody clauses" (Dadkhah and... , 1385: 116). According to Muhammad Mandoor, a contemporary Egyptian critic, the basis of this school is the rebellion and uprising against the dry principles of the classical school and its essence and leaven, the liberation of literature from the control of inflexible artistic standards (cf. Mandoor, 1995: 103).   The most important principles of this school can be found in the use of symbols and myths, emotionalism and paying attention to emotions, returning to nature, calling for freedom from the literary tradition of the past, and giving authenticity to "I" (the creator of a literary work). In literature and art, he considered using the power of imagination to discover the secrets of existence and express the truths of creation (cf. Eliot, 1375: 274-277). One of the branches of the school of romanticism is social and sociopathic romanticism, although it is not possible to make a specific demarcation between the sub-branches of the school of romanticism, but usually socialistic romanticism is discussed against individualistic romanticism. Romanticism is a multidimensional phenomenon in terms of social tendencies. Romantic literature and social life are intertwined to such an extent that it is impossible to properly understand romantic poetry without knowing the effect that the revolutionary and political spirit of the age had on its essence and form (cf. Jafari Jezi, 1378: 176). ) This research seeks to answer the question, what is the effect of the mutual influence of society and the individual in two stories - Gileh-Mard and Al-Nahr? And what are the similarities and differences between both in dealing with the difficulties of society?

Materials and methods

Gileh-Mard and Al-Nahar are two works in the field of short stories in Persian and Arabic literature. Both stories have a common, human and social theme and have a unity of effect; This influence is the result of the oppression and violence that the ruling body applies to the general public, which is depicted in a symbolic way in the scope of both stories. In order to advance the content of the story, two authors try to harmonize the "subject", "characters", "scene", "space" and "color" or "atmosphere" of the story with each other. The reader is directed to the main character (Gila-Mard and Omar Al-Saadi). Both Boghor Alavi and Zakaria Tamer portray the realities of their chaotic society and use their lively and dynamic nature to advance. They make the most of their story. They repeat and emphasize the characters, objects and nature and match their existence with the circumstances governing the story, and as a result, they strengthen and confirm the overall meaning and concept of the story. "In this type of stories, characters, actions and details are real and natural, and the details and descriptions are presented with the intention of giving a pure meaning of ordinary and everyday realities. Symbols, whether the writer intentionally placed them in the story or not, appear from these details, descriptions and actions of the characters. In these stories, symbols are a natural part of reality and are mixed with them, but at the same time, they give it a meaning other than the apparent meaning of the story. And they strengthen the meaning of the story" (Mirsadeghi, 1376: 547). One of the common and obvious points in both stories is the existence of the female character as a social phenomenon that is evoked in the mind and imagination of the protagonist in all the events. "Basically, in the nature of romanticism, there is a kind of exhilarating and feminine ecstasy hidden and it provides the ground for the emergence and manifestation of the female element in society" (Jaafari Jezi, 1378: 182). "Saghra" in the story of Gileh-Mard is the wife of the hero of the story, who dies due to an arrow that hits her in the side during the attack of the security forces. This incident accompanies the hero throughout the story and keeps the anger and hatred of revenge alive in him. "If he had a gun that day, Sogra would be alive today. If the killer of Saghra He was caught, he knew what to do. He was tearing his throat with his teeth. He plucks out his eyes with his nails" (Alavi, 1377: 362).

Results and Discussion

Two authors try to depict the realities of society, the hero in both stories that "theme", "characters", "scenes", and "space and color or atmosphere" serve it and coordinate. According to the story, he was chosen from among the masses and he is from the deprived and oppressed class of the society, who is arrested without any crime and goes to prison. He is the representative of a defenseless and oppressed people who are imprisoned under the burden of colonialism and anarchy and are deprived of their smallest natural right; You're not!) One of the police officers tells him this when "Omar al-Saadi" wants to light a cigarette. Zakaria Tamer uses the character of the cat in a symbolic way to depict the height of tyranny and chaos in the society. A cat is a calm and harmless animal that does no harm to anyone; But despite this, like "Omar al-Saadi" he is imprisoned and deprived of his natural rights. This can be easily understood from Omar al-Saadi's questions:
4 - Conclusion

The essence of both stories is the fight against oppression, which arises from the political-authoritarian structure of the ruler and is a suitable example and model of anti-oppression and freedom-seeking of the oppressed people. Although the author's message in both works is not directly mentioned in the practical plan of the story, but the author's criticism of the political situation and the lord-serf system is well understood. Both stories have a unity of effect; It is the effect of cruelty and violence that the ruling body exerts on the general public, which is depicted in a symbolic way in the scope of both stories. Both authors try to harmonize the theme, "characters", "scene", and "space and color or atmosphere" of the story in order to advance the content of the story and draw the reader's attention to Character
The main ones (Gileh-Mard and Omar Al-Saadi) are directed. Gileh-Mard's story is more realistic and objective as its title suggests. Unlike Al-Nahr, where the depth of symbolism and fantasy is greater, and as a result, its message is more distant. On the other hand, Gileh-Mard's story has a sad and dark ending and ends with killing the hero, unlike Al-Nahr, which has a bright and hopeful ending and ends with the hero shouting his protest. The spirit of resistance and anti-tyranny is stronger in the great Alavi hero and throughout the story he is thinking about escape and revenge.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • social romanticism
  • Gileh-Mard
  • Al-Nahar
  • Zakaria Tamer
  • Boghor Alavi

عنوان مقاله [العربیة]

دراسة تطبیقیة للرومانتیک الاجتماعیة فی قصة گیله مرد القصیرة للبزرک علوی و النّهر للزکریا تامر

چکیده [العربیة]

یعدّ علوی وتامر من أقدر الکتّاب فی الأدب المعاصر. اتخذ کلاهما مسلکاً مشابهاً فی الکتابة متأثراً من فوضی الاجتماعیة والسیاسیة الحاکمة علی عصرهما. تعتبر گیله­مرد والنّهر من أنجح الآثار فی میدان القصّة القصیرة اللّتین تعبّران من أحوال الاجتماعیّة عصرهما بلغة رمزیّة. استخدمت حوادث الطبیعة وملامح الشخصیّات الموجودة فی کلیهما بهدف تکامل القصّة حتّی تشترک القارئ فی جوّ القصّة وتعبّر من أهداف کاتبها. تعتبر الطبیعة، شخصیّة المرأة، إهتمام إلی تمایزات الطبقی الموجودة، الإستبداد والخفقان من أهمّ الموضوعات الاجتماعیّة الموجودة فی کلا الأثر وهذا الأمر یضاعف ضرورة هذا التحقیق. تهدف هذه المقالة وبشکل نظری إلی دراسة الرمانتیک الاجتماعیّة وإلقاء الضوء علی التناقضات والتشابهات الموجودة بین الأثرین علی ضوء المنهج الأمریکی. ومن خلال البحث، یمکننا القول أن کلا الأثرین حظیا من وحدة التأثیر لکن استخدام الحوادث فی قصة

گیله ­مرد واقعیّ وعینیّ وهذا خلافاً لـ النّهر الّذی یکون للخیال فیه دوراً هاماً.


کلیدواژه‌ها [العربیة]

  • الرمانتیک الاجتماعی
  • گیله­مرد
  • النّهر
  • تامر
  • علوی