Persistence in the poetry of Farrokhi Yazdi and Ebrahim Touqan (homogeneity in content, innovation in style)

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran



 The poems of Farrokhi Yazdi, a constitutionally independent poet, and Ebrahim Tuqan, a Palestinian militant poet, are among the stable poetry types, which are close to each other in terms of content, but somewhat different in terms of poetic structure, and each of Both of them, in order to express their political and social thoughts, have created special poetic initiatives. Farrokhi created "political poetry" to express his anti-colonial and anti-authoritarian thoughts; But in order to express the same themes, Touqan created special innovations in Arabic poetry by using explanations and percussive weights. Both poets have used simple language, modern words and humor well. This article examines and compares the common features and differences of the two poems of sustainability with a descriptive-analytical method. The findings of this research show that the artistic creations of each of them have reflected political and social issues in a form and form different from the other. Each of them, in a special format and style, have written lasting themes and songs encouraging sustainability and fighting against colonialism. Now the question is, what are the similarities and differences between the two in the structure and content of the poem of stability? What innovations have each of these two created in this field. This research aims to analyze the common and distinct themes of their poems as well as some structural features of their poems based on the frameworks of comparative literature.

Materials and method

Farrokhi's main goal was to preserve the country's territorial integrity and save it from the yoke of foreigners. Foreign countries, including England and Russia, competed with each other to dominate it and plunder its resources and wealth. Tolerating such humiliating conditions was not possible for Farrokhi. Therefore, he stood up against them and declared his disgust with foreigners. From his point of view, a stranger is a stranger and his drink is a bite
And according to her, the homeland, whose glory shone like a golden sun on the whole world in the past and was safe for the great and brave, has been destroyed today under the feet of England and Russia. Ebrahim Toukhan, like other poets, depicts the image of Britain in many of his poems. He sometimes resorts to humor and finds it an effective way to make people aware of the deterioration of the situation (Soliman, 2016: 29-36). Both poets - and Farrokhi more strongly - in addition to foreigners, consider leaders and internal agents to be the cause of the destruction of the homeland. Farrokhi, who saw the rampage of the rioters of his homeland, could not close his eyes and not open his mouth. Farrokhi and Toukan, in addition to blaming the foreigners and the internal leaders of the country, criticize the people and blame ignorance and indifference towards the issues of the homeland and finally invite them all to unite and fight against the enemy. Farrokhi is sometimes disappointed with the people and considers them to be lethargic people who do not wake up from sleep.

Results and Discussion

Simplicity, the existence of new words and combinations, and the use of popular and popular words are among the common features of the language of both poets. The political and social events that occurred in Iran and Palestine caused poetry to penetrate more among the people. Poets also considered the people as the main audience of poetry and tried to inform and arouse them with the expressive voice of their poems. In addition, Farrokhi was a journalist and published his poems in his newspaper. He knew that not only literate people benefit from his newspaper, but also illiterate people are among its audience. Therefore, he tried to use simple and understandable words in his poems. Despite the fact that populism is one of the most obvious features of Ghazal language during the constitutional era; But the language of Farrokhi's poetry is very serious and cultivated, and the tendency to slang is reduced and literary words are mostly used (Shafi'i Kodkani, 1359: 56). Ebrahim Touqan has used simple language more in his national poems. Like Farrokhi, he also tried to convey his message to the people in a complete and captivating way. Simple words helped him a lot to achieve this goal (Taha, 2004: 89). Despite the simplicity of the language of Farrokhi's poetry, symbols and symbols can also be seen in his poems. By using national symbols and myths such as "Dahhak, Kaveh, Jam, Siros, Kikaus and...", he tries to show the autocracy of the politicians and emotions To arouse the patriotism of the people. In addition, the suffocating conditions of the society force Farrokhi to use such symbols. One of the common features in the poetry style of both poets is the use of sarcasm and satire. Both poets hated oppression and injustice and wanted to disgrace criminals and ridicule stupidity. Their other goal was to free people from ignorance and delusion.
4 - Conclusion
Their poetry has many similarities in terms of content, among them, anti-colonialism and encouraging people to stand up against foreigners, with the difference that Farrokhi, in addition to that, fights against internal tyranny and social and cultural problems of the society. has paid special attention. Their poetry is full of human feelings and emotions along with social commitment.Although the main content of these two poems is very close to each other; However, significant differences can be observed in the structure of these two poems, so that it can be said that each of these two, in order to express the theme of stability, has created a unique style in Persian and Arabic poetry. Farrokhi turned to ghazal to express his political ideals and thoughts and became the creator of political ghazal in post-constitutional poetry. Touqan also made innovations in Arabic poetry by diversifying the form of the poem and creating a transformation in the structure of the ode and turning it into a piece, and by using explanations.


Article Title [العربیة]

دراسة مقارنة لقضیة الالتزام الاجتماعی فی شعر محمّدمهدی الجواهری و محمّد فرّخی یزدی

Abstract [العربیة]

بلغ المنهجان الفرنسیّ والامیرکیّ مبلغاً عظیماً مرموقاً فی الدراسات الادبیّة المقارنة علی أنّ المنهج الاوروبیَّ الشرقیَّ لهذه الدراسات کان متأثراً الی حد کبیر من الفلسفة المارکسیّة فی نشوءه و نضجه منذ مطلع الستّینات فی القرن العشرین. یقوم هذا المنهج فی اسلوبه علی دراسة البُنی التحتیّة الثقافیّةِ و الاجتماعیةکمبدء لمعرفة واقع المجتمع فی الأدب والفن.
تتناول هذه الدراسة قضیة الالتزام الاجتماعیّ فی مرآة شعر الشاعرین العراقیّ و الایرانیّ و ما یجمع بین البلدَینِ من القواسم المشترکة فی الثقافة الاسلامیّة و الاقتصاد و الاجتماع مبیّنة مقومات شعرهما علی اساس المنهج المذکور و مبادئه ثمّ تعالج اتّجاههما فی تحمّل المسئولیة إزاء آلام الشعب و یوضّح مقدار نجاحهما فی التوعیة القومیّة و النقد الاجتماعی البنّاء و موقفَهما الأدبیَّ لأجل ایقاظ الشعب و انقاذه ممّا یتکبّده من بؤس و إرهاق.

Keywords [العربیة]

  • الالتزام الاجتماعی
  • المقارنة الشعریّة
  • محمّدمهدی الجواهری
  • محمّد فرّخی یزدی
  • الأدب المقارن
  1. کتابنامه

    الف. کتاب­ها

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