Guide for Authors

Guide  for  Authors

Method of writing articles in the journal of Research in Comparative Literature:

  1. Language of the journal

The language of the published papers in the Journal are Persian and Arabic, respectively. It is noteworthy that, papers in the two above-mentioned languages are published separately in different issues.

1-1. Abstract for Persian papers will be provided in Arabic and English.

1-2. Abstract for Arabic Papers will be provided in Persian and English.

  1. Scientific Terms

2-1. Papers should follow an analytic approach, contain a research method, and provide an appropriate scientific procedure.

2-2. Papers must contain novelty and innovativeness

2-3. Papers must be written based on authentic research methodologies and references.

2-4. Papers must contain original analysis and criticisms. Translations or compilations are not accepted by this journal.

3-How to review articles

 The submitted manuscripts will be first reviewed by the editorial boards and, if found appropriate, sent to the journal reviewers for evaluations. The authors` names are removed from the papers to maintain the anonymity procedure of the journal. After being reviewed and commented by the reviewers, the final results will be presented to the editorial board and decisions on the acceptance or rejection of the paper will be made due to the obtained points.

  1. 4. Terms of writing the article

 4-1. In terms of writing, the article should have a strong and solid structure and the principles of eloquence and rhetoric should be observed in writing it.

4-2. The article should be arranged as follows:

 4-2-1. The title of the article should be short and expressive of the content of the article.

 4-2-2. Authors can submit their papers to the journal of "Research in Comparative Literature" after signing up in the journal and be informed of the publication procedure and the status of their submitted paper(s) to the journal. In case any assistance was required, researchers can use the official emails of the journal ( and to   receive their response as soon as possible.

The name of the author or authors are put along with the academic degree (address and telephone number and e-mail address of the author in charge of correspondence) should be sent to the quarterly office in an attached sheet.

After registering the authors, no author will be added or deleted, and no changes will be made to the authors' profile. The authors' orchid code must also be provided.

4-2-3. Persian abstract (maximum 15 lines), English abstract are  like Persian abstract.

4-2-4. Persian keywords (maximum six words) English keywords are  like Persian keywords.

4-2-5. The introduction should include the research background and references and it prepares the reader for the main discussion.

4-2-6. The main text in which the author discusses the subject and analyzes it.

 4-2-7. Conclusion

 4-2-8. Bibliography

4-2-9. Author name in Latin with academic degree

4-2-10. In-text references should be enclosed in parentheses in the author's last name (surname), year and page, respectively; Example (Jahez Basri, 1986, vol. 2: 275)

4-2-11. How to set the book references in the article bibliography:

 Last name (surname), first name (year of publication); Name of book should be bold, translation or proofreading: name of translator and proofreader, time of publication, city of place of publication: publisher.

 4-2-12. How to arrange citations to the journal in the bibliography:

Author's surname (family name), author's name (year of publication in parentheses); "Title", name of the compiler or editor (collection of articles), place of publication, name of the publisher, number of pages (p.).

 4-2-13. Websites:

 Surname of the author, name of the author (last date and time), "title of the subject in quotation marks" name and URL in italics.

4-2-14. The article should be set to a maximum of 20 23 pages.

4-2-15. Private names and Latin terms and foreign compounds should be given in the footnote of the article immediately after Persian. Additional explanations should be mentioned in the "Notes" section and after the "Conclusion".

4-2-16. This quarterly is free to accept or reject the article as well as edit it.

4-2-17. Submitted articles will not be returned in any way.

Persian references must be translated into English and be included in the English references. Each such reference should be indicated by the phrase (in Persian) for originally Persian sources and (In Arabic) for Arabic sources. For each article cited, the writers must also include a doi.

5-  Initial requirements  for submission

5-1. The article must have the conditions of the second bill "scientific conditions" and be adjusted according to the fourth bill of the "conditions of writing the article" and under the Word 2003 program; Persian articles by B Zar 13 Arabic articles by 12 Traditional Arabic fonts and only through the magazine system, with Persian and English abstracts should be sent to

5-2. Papers which are extracted from the dissertation must have the approval of the supervisor and his name must be mentioned in the article.

5-3. The author must undertake not to submit this article to any other journal at the same time, and not to submit it to other journals unless the task is specified in the Comparative Literature Journal. The responsibility for the accuracy - and other legal issues - of the contents of the article rests with the author or authors.

Persian font Bzar 13 and Arabic traditional Arabic 12

Observe the spacing between words; There should be a space between the words (there should not  be two or more spaces or no spaces)

True: cold and dry

False: Cold / Dry Cold / Cold and Dry / Cold and Dry

Continuous sentence  "mey / hemi" and plural "s" stick to their words at half distance:

True: miravam / golha

False: mi ravam / gol ha

Half-space is created by selecting the desired location and holding the "Ctrl + Shift + Number 2 or 3" keys.

The punctuation marks come without a space from the right and with a space from the left:

True: A short syllable is a two-letter syllable.

False: A short syllable is a two-letter syllable./ A short syllable is a two-letter syllable. Use six small ones instead of (hameh ye) (hameheye).

"Intensification" is written where it appears in pronunciation:

 Faaleyaat / Talaffoz / Khat Nataaligh

But if it does not appear in pronunciation, they do not write it: He drew a line on it. Bar roye an khat keshid. The article should have a fluent composition and be free of grammar and etiquette. Put a "" in quotation marks to highlight a specific name or specify a quote

True””   " " false

Footnote numbers (not footnotes), both in the text and in the footnote itself, should be enclosed in parentheses, like Ferdowsi (1) in ....

The final sources in the article are as follows:


 A: Books

Name, surname (date); Book title (bold), other book specifications.

B: Magazines Surname, name, (date) Article title «», name of magazine or quarterly (bold), issue number, year, issue number of articles.

In in-text sources and text ending, there is no need for (AH, AD or AD). If the article had Arabic verses, the verses should be translated into Arabic. The certificate of acceptance and arbitration are not possible manually; therefore, we ask the esteemed authors to register the complete details of the author or authors in full and according to what is intended when entering personal information, and after accepting the article, they can receive the acceptance certificate on their personal page with the seal and signature of the editor. The acceptance certificate forms are also available in this section. Authors can print the acceptance materials of the article on the certificate form.

Dear editors, please refer to your personal account  to receive the referee certificate and by clicking on the reviewed  articles, refer to the articles page and receive the referee certificate next to the article, and by clicking on this section, the certificate form can be obtained.

insert sponsor

If the author/s benefited the financial resources of a specific organization or institution, or if they intend to thank those who assisted them to prepare the text, they should acknowledge this in the first footnote with no number.