A Comparative Study of the Use of Polite Etiquette in Lozomiyat by Abul Alaa Maari and Cat and Mouse by Obeid Zakani

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A. in Arabic Literature, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran

2 , Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran

3 M.A. in Arabic Literature, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran.



By examining the works of poets and writers throughout history, we come across writers and poets who are disgusted with the current state of their society in various fields. These critics cannot easily ignore these anomalies due to their critical spirit; therefore, they criticize the shortcomings and deviations in various ways depending on the prevailing conditions of the society in order to inform the people and correct these anomalies. In this connection, Abul Alaa Maari and Obaid Zakani are two great writers in Arabic and Persian literature who expressed the moral and social anomalies of their time in the form of social criticism. Therefore, in this research, based on the "comparative method", the criticism in each of these two poets on the social conditions of their time, and the common social contexts in the poems of these two poets has been examined. Finally, it is found that both of their poems have used the title as a winning weapon to express social issues so that they can criticize anomalies such as injustice and oppression of the ruling classes, trickery and deception, hypocritical asceticism, ignorance and simplicity of people and other deviations in their society.
Mouse and Cat is a work of poetry by Nizamuddin Obaidullah Zakani (700-772 AH/ 1300-1371), a poet and satirical writer of the 8th century of Hijri. This poem is a 90-verse ode describing the trickery and hypocrisy of a cat from Kerman which has repented after years of tearing at rats. Cat and Mouse is a political satire. If we evaluate this poem with a comprehensive view of the era in which the poet has lived, we will find that every point of it is a critical, admonishing, and ironic speech.
However, the divan of Lazumiat or Lazum ma la yalzam which is the actual case in this  article, includes wisdom, social criticism, the views of scholars of philosophy and religion, the status of scholars, rulers and other existing classes of society. In this book, Al-Maʿarri criticized the society in various fields including: political, economic, religious, social, and literary.
Correctional etiquette is one of the literary subjects whose purpose is to correct political and social disadvantages by using various literary methods, the most significant of which is "criticism". Criticism is provided in various ways, one of which is satire. Satire is an expression that the poet uses to humiliate his target or to reduce his value. Therefore, in this research, the meaning of reform literature is to examine the critical poems of each of the two prominent poets in the field of Arabic and Persian literature on the injustice and oppression of the ruling class, hypocritical asceticism, trickery and deception, and the ignorance and simplicity of the people.
It has also been tried to express the common themes of social criticism by al-Maʿarri and Obaidullah Zakani, as well as the motivations that made each of these two poets turn to this type of literature. Although our intention is not to express the influence of these two poets on each other, it becomes clear that how and to what extent they are similar or different in the criticisms they have presented by the cited evidence from each of them. Finally yet importantly, the two following research questions are responded;
- What are the common themes of social criticism by al-Maʿarri and Obaidullah Zakani?
- What are the uses of politeness in the Lazumiat of al-Maʿarri and Obaidullah Zakani's Cat and Mouse?
As it has been claimed, each of the mentioned works has a special importance and position, However, in this article, the purpose is showing the reform literature with regards to the common themes in the social criticism of the two poets based on the comparative method in literature. It has also been attempted to express the similarities and differences of the opinions of these two regarding the current situation of their society.
Results and Discussion:
Al-Maʿarri has shown a lot of courage in his criticisms, and in condemning social evils, he has expressed his intentions clearly and with a sarcastic expression. Also, he has spoken in such a way that the reader can easily understand his meaning. However, Obaidullah Zakani, who found deviations and shortcomings far more difficult for him, could not mention those incidents except through humor and sarcasm. Because Muhtasib kills him under the pretext of Sharia, so he made his criticism in the form of parable and in the language of cat and mouse, which shows that Abul Ala Maari has been more frank and brave than Obaid Zakani in expressing his weaknesses and Social and moral corruption.
Considering the threats that poets and writers faced in these periods, Abu al-ʿAlaʾ al-Maʿarri and Obaidullah Zakani used their criticism as a weapon to eliminate corruption and shortcomings, and their goal is nothing but reforming society and eliminating shortcomings. Has not been.
The last point is that, the criticism of these two poets is not merely limited to few issues that have been mentioned, and in the other works of these two poets, there are many criticisms of the society, the people, and the ruling classes. However, considering that all these contents are not included in this topic. Therefore, the criticism of these two poets and their comparison can be examined in an independent work.
Experience has revealed that the political and social conditions governing any society have their own effects on the morals of its people whether these effects are positive or negative. So, in case the aim is to compare these two poets, it can be found that both poets have used humorous social criticism to express the social and moral corruption of their era.


Main Subjects

Article Title [العربیة]

دراسة مقارنة لتوظیف أدب الإصلاح فی لزومیات المعرّی والفأر والقطط لعبید زاکانی

Abstract [العربیة]

من خلال فحص أعمال الشعراء والکتاب على مرّ العصور، نجد الکتاب والشعراء الذین کرهوا الظروف السائدة على مجتمعاتهم فی مختلف المجالات. فهؤلاء النقاد، بسبب نفسیّاتهم النقدیّة،لم یستطیعوا التغلب بسهولة على الانحرافات الموجودة. وهکذا، وبطرق مختلفة، وتبعًا لظروف المجتمع السائدة، قاموا بانتقاد أوجه القصور والانحرافات من أجل إعلام الناس بها بغیة تصحیح الانحرافات. فیعتبر أبو العلاء المعرّی وعبید زاکانی فی هذا المجال، من الکتّاب الکبار فی الأدبین العربیّ والفارسیّ، حیث عبّرا عن الانحرافات الأخلاقیّة والاجتماعیّة السائدة فی عصرهما بشکل نقد اجتماعی. لذلک، فی هذه الدراسة، بناءً على "الطریقة المقارنة"، قمنا بفحص نقد کل من هذین الشاعرین للوضع الاجتماعیّ فی عصرهما، والذی وجدناه من خلال فحص السیاقات الاجتماعیّة المشترکة فی قصائد الشاعرین؛ إذ استخدما الشعر کسلاح للتعبیر عن القضایا الاجتماعیّة لانتقاد الشذوذ الموجود هناک مثل: ظلم الطبقات الحاکمة واضطهادهم والخداع والزهد والجهل والبساطة السائدة على الناس وانحرافات أخرى فی مجتمعهم.

Keywords [العربیة]

  • الأدب الإصلاحیّ
  • النقد الاجتماعیّ
  • الأدب المقارن
  • أبو العلاء المعرّی
  • عبید زاکانی
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