A comparative study of the reflection of heritage in the poems of Simin Behbahani and Boshra Bostani

Document Type : Research Paper


1 , Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

2 PhD in Arabic Language and Literature, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.

3 Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.



The originality and identity of any country represents the heritage of that country. A high quantity of poets have played a prominent role in preserving the legacy of the past. In the meantime, female poets, alongside men, have devoted a great deal of attention to this matter and have been in harmony with them. Behbahani and Bostani, with respect to their extensive knowledge in the field of literature and history, have been able to succeed in taking advantage of their heritage. In spite of being originated in diverse regions, they have many commonalities in the use of national and religious heritage. This research, via applying a descriptive-analytical approach and based on the American school of thought, has dealt with the adaptation of heritage in the poems of these two poets. As it has been indicated by the results, the use of past glory is clearly reflected in their poems, so that Simin talks about the Sassanid kings, Hafez and Saadi, and Boshra mentions the kings of Iraq, Motanabi and AbuTamam, which shows the mastery of the two poets in their rich culture. Having stated that the two poets have experienced common events such as war, anti-tyranny is one of the prominent manifestations of their poetry. 
The word of “heritage” means something that has been inherited from the past and is subdivided into two major parts of material (tangible) and spiritual (intangible). The first division, which is material heritage, includes objects and places, and the second part, which is marked as spiritual heritage, includes cultural heritage, including language, religious beliefs, traditions, history, archetypes, myths, and customs of each nation. This is referred to as a reminder of the national identity of that country and their intermediary with the past. Simin Khalili (1998), known as Simin Behbahani, is known as a prominent contemporary poet and writer. She was selected as a nomitnated woman by the International Foundation for Women's Research, and, in addition, she was able to record dozens of scientific and academic awards in the field of poetry, especially sonnet, in her literary career. Precisely, she was given the title of “Lady of Sonnets” and “Half of Sonnets”. She is one of the poets whose poems have been translated into multiple languages ​​all over the world. Boshra Hamdi Albostani (1985) is a professor of Arabic literature, criticism and text analysis at the faculty of Literature of Mosul University and has several collections of poems and books in the field of criticism and fiction Some of her works have been translated into several languages. These two poets from two different lands have always been guardians of the ancient heritage of their land, and this influence is evident in their poems.
In this research, emplying a descriptive-analytical approach and based on the American school of thought, a comparative study of heritage in the poems of Simin Behbahani and Boshra has been provided. The writers have tried to present the common and different aspects of the thought of these two poets by processing the reflection of heritage in the poems of these two poets and explaining it as a new window to the rooted heritage of the past.
Results and Discussion:
As the results of this research indicates, Simin Behbahani and Boshra Bostani, as two intellectual and committed poets, have been able to succeed in exploiting their past heritage due to their extensive knowledge and mastery in the field of literature and history. Simin, having a nationalistic tendency, believes that; If the Arabic language has distinguished pioneers, their origins and race are Iranian, while humanity continues to be proud of the ancient and deep-rooted Arab past, and both of them have spoken of their roots with full force. Since the birthplaces of two poets are Iran and Iraq, and these two countries are neighbors of each other, and both of them have shared events such as; have experienced war and occupation; Therefore, anti-tyranny (fight against tyranny and suffocation) and criticism of the society's situation are among the prominent manifestations of these two critical poets. The use of poets' names and past heritage is clearly visible in their poetry; Simin speaks of the Sassanid kings, Anushirvan, Hafez, Saadi and Jami, and Boshra mentions the kings of Iraq, Motanabi and Abu Tamam. In his poetry, besides Arabic myths, Boshra has used myths of other nations such as Rome and Greece, while Simin is more inclined towards Iranian myths. Also, Simin's influence of ancient heritage in the form of vocabulary is more than structural antiquity in human poetic language. The religious outlook and thinking formed in the existence of these two poets has caused them to look at the divine and religious values ​​with respect, but Quranic intertextuality is more prominent in Bostani's poetry than in Simin's.
The results of this research indicate that Simin Behbahani and Boshra Bostani, as two intellectual and committed poets, have been able to succeed in exploiting their past heritage due to their extensive knowledge and mastery in the field of literature and history. In her poetry, besides Arabic myths, Boshra has used myths of other nations such as Rome and Greece, while Simin is more inclined towards Iranian myths. Also, Simin's influence of ancient heritage in the form of vocabulary is more than structural antiquity in human poetic language, in terms of using the ancient Arab heritage, Boshra does not tie her poem to the audience's gaze, through pointing to the presence of the enemy in his country, which, according to his interpretation, jumps around like a viper. She tries to make the reader to wakes up the sleeplessness and indifference towards the past heritage. In contrast, Simin makes the audience excited and hopes for the future by saying again, "Misazamat-ei Watan".


Main Subjects

Article Title [العربیة]

صدی التراث فی قصائد سیمین بهبهانی وبشرى البستانی (دراسة مقارنة)

Abstract [العربیة]

لاشکّ أن تُراث أیّ بلد یدلّ علی أصالة ذلک البلد وهویّته؛ وقد لعب کثیرٌ من الشعراء دوراً هامّاً فی الحفاظ على تراث الماضی. بینما اهتمّت الشاعرات بهذه القضیّة جنباً إلى جنب الرّجال واتّفقت معهم. لقد نجحت سیمین بهبهانی وبشری البستانی فی استخدام تراث الماضی بفضل معرفتهما الواسعة فی مجال الأدب والتأریخ، رغمَ أنهما تنتمان إلى منطقتین مختلفتین، إلا أن لدیهما العدید من القواسم المشترکة فی استخدام التراث القومی والدینی. تناول هذا البحث، بمنهج وصفی- تحلیلی واستناداً إلى المدرسة الأمریکیة- تطبیق التراث فی أشعار هاتین الشاعرتین. وتظهر نتائج البحث أن استخدام أمجاد الماضی انعکست بوضوح فی أشعارهما بحیث تتحدّث سیمین عن الملوک الساسانیین، الحافظ الشیرازی وسعدی، وتذکر بشرى البستانی ملوک العراق، المتنبی وأبی تمام، و هذا یدلّ على إتقان الشاعرتین فی ثقافتهما الثریة. بما أن الشاعرتین مرّتا بأحداث مشترکة کالحرب، فلذلک محاربة الاستبداد هی من مظاهر شعرهما البارزة. بالإضافة إلى الأساطیر العربیة، استخدمت بشری البستانی الأساطیر الرومانیة والیونانیة بینما ترکز سیمین أکثر اهتمامها على الأساطیر الإیرانیة.

Keywords [العربیة]

  • سیمین بهبهانی
  • بشرى البستانی
  • التراث
  • الأسطورة
  • المدرسة الأمریکیة المقارنة
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