A comparative study of the cognitive functions of fantasy in the selected children's stories of Adil Ghadban and Mohammad Reza Yousefi

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A student of Arabic Language and Literature, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Zabol University, Zabol, Iran

2 , Zabol University, Zabol, Iran. E-mail: ghalam6@gmiail.com 2. Corresponding Author, Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Zabol University, Zabol, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Zabol University, Zabol, Iran.



Despite the fact that the children's story (fantacies) is in contradiction with the real world, it comprises surreal characters and events. Further, it leaves a deep impression on the child's mind and spirit and prepares him to face the stages of growth and socialize with others. Such a critical look at children's stories is included in the cognitive function of children's literature. Since cognitive development plays a predominant role in the sequence and progress of other child development processes; Therefore, it is critical to pay attention to the appropriateness of the cognitive function for each age group in children's story writing. In this research, with reference to the descriptive-analytical method and with the aim of investigating the cognitive function of fantasy in promoting children's creativity, the processes of animating, allegorical symbolization, self-concept, self-esteem and self-efficacy in the stories of Adil Ghadban and Mohammad Reza Yousefi are comparatively investigated. The results indicate that the stories of two authors play a pivotal role in child's growth processes and strengthen his personal and social identity. Also, the use of characters with high self-confidence evokes a safe and secure hero in the child's mind, which increases his self-confidence. The characters of the fantasy stories of both authors instill the aspects of creativity to the audience/child with two important cognitive features of self-esteem and self-efficacy. 
The literary genre of fantasy, being prevalent in fiction, has successfully embedded itself within the realm of literature by virtue of writers' imaginative prowess and plays an egregiously pivotal role in children's narratives. An inherent principle of fantasy involves transcending established laws of existence and consequently, engendering the formulation of novel rules and patterns. Within this literary genre, an intriguing play unfolds using conventional language, space, and events. These elements undergo a transformative recreation, intending to evoke a sense of wonder. Beyond the provision of joy, fantasy endeavors to transport the child into extraordinary realms, fostering self-awareness and introspection. Simultaneously, it works to enhance the child's sense of empathy.
In the current study, relying on the descriptive-analytical method and with the aim of investigating the cognitive function of fantasy in promoting children's creativity, the processes of animating, allegorical symbolization, self-concept, self-esteem, and self-efficacy in the stories of Adil Ghadban and Mohammad Reza Yousefi are comparatively investigated. The results indicate that the stories of two authors carry paramount roles in the child's growth processes and strengthen his personal and social identity. Also, the use of characters with high self-confidence evokes a safe and secure hero in the child's mind, which increases his self-confidence. The characters of the fantasy stories of both authors instill the aspects of creativity to the audience/child with two important cognitive features of self-esteem and self-efficacy
As provided by this investigation, an exploration of data was undertaken through the lens of cognitive processes such as personification, metaphorical symbolism, self-concept, self-esteem development, and self-efficacy. To scrutinize and interpret the gathered data, components associated with text configuration, as well as structural and conceptual figures of speech, were chosen with a foundation in the cognitive functions of fantasy. Subsequently, the data has undergone a comprehensive analysis aligned with these chosen parameters.
The characters within the fantasy narratives crafted by both authors predominantly stimulate the creative facets of the reader or child, emphasizing two crucial cognitive dimensions: self-esteem and self-efficacy. Adel Al-Ghadban employs traditional fantasies, incorporating myths, magic, and fairies, to purify the child's mind from negative experiences and memories. Through these fantastical elements, Al-Ghadban endeavors to mold the child's sense of identity and foster their imaginative capabilities. In contrast, Yousefi utilizes his own writing prowess and creativity to introduce personification and metaphorical symbolism, enabling a child to similarly envision these elements within their realm of play. The incorporation of confident and heroic characters in narratives instills a feeling of safe and secure heroism within the minds of children, fostering their self-confidence—an aspect that both authors have diligently emphasized in their stories. Additionally, both authors, conscientiously aligning with psychological principles and cognitive functions of fantasy, have cultivated children's belief in their abilities. Through their narratives, they have depicted a positive, independent, and confident identity, thereby expediting the development of children's self-concept. The juxtaposition of good and evil, as well as ugliness and beauty in the stories of both authors, imparts a robust self-image to the child, influencing them to choose goodness and beauty.
The narratives crafted by both authors are tailored to align with the cognitive developmental stages of children within specific age groups. Both writers have underscored the significance of fantasy in nurturing children's creativity. Notably, Mohammad Reza Yousefi has undertaken this endeavor by introducing diverse and innovative forms of fantasy, whereas Al-Ghadban has chosen to emphasize it through the lens of classical and mythological fantasy. It is pertinent to highlight that children in age groups "B" and "C" foster creativity by engaging with myths and legends, an aspect that Adel Al-Ghadban has given more prominence to in comparison to Yousefi.


Main Subjects

Article Title [العربیة]

دراسة مقارنة للوظائف المعرفیة للخیال فی مختارات من قصص الأطفال لعادل الغضبان ومحمدرضا الیوسفی

Abstract [العربیة]

على الرغم من هذه الحقیقة أنّ القصص الفانتازیة للأطفال تتعارض مع الواقع، إلا أنّها منسوجة من شخصیات وأحداث غیرواقعیة وخیالیة؛ وتترک انطباعًا عمیقًا فی عقل الطفل وروحه ویهیئه للتطور الاجتماعی والسلوک الطبیعی. تندرج هذه الرؤیة لقصص الأطفال ضمن إطار الوظیفة المعرفیة لأدب الأطفال. بما أنّ التطور المعرفی یلعب دورًا مهمًا فی تطور المراحل المختلفة لنمو الطفل؛ لذلک من المناسب الانتباه إلى الوظائف المعرفیة المناسبة لمراحل الطفولة عند کتابة قصص الأطفال. یحاول هذا البحث وفقاً للمنهج الوصفی التحلیلی أن یتطرق إلی موضوع الوظائف المعرفیة للخیال الفانتاستیک فی تعزیز مهارات الإبداع، والتشخیص، والترمیز، ونمو الانطباعات النفسیة وتقدیر الذات، والفاعلیة الذاتیة لدی الأطفال فی مختارات من قصص لعادل الغضبان ومحمد رضا یوسفی. تشیر النتائج إلى أنّ قصصهما تلعب دورًا مهمًا فی تطور مراحل نمو الطفل وتقویة هویته الشخصیة والاجتماعیة وتحاول شخصیات القصص الفاانتازیة للمؤلفین زرع الجوانب المختلفة للإبداع لدى المتلقّی/ الطفل، معتمدة علی وظیفتین معرفیتین واللتین تتمثلان فی تقدیر الذات والفاعلیة الذاتیة.

Keywords [العربیة]

  • قصص فانتازیا للأطفال
  • النمو المعرفی
  • الفانتاستیک
  • محمد رضا یوسفی
  • عادل الغضبان
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