Typology of Personalities in Utopia (Khalid al-Tawfiq) and Peasant’s Daughter (Mahmoud Etemadzadeh) Based on Enneagram Model

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student in Arabic Language and Literature, Department of Arabic language and literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran.

2 Associate Professor in Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran



One of the new approaches in the study of characters is the Enneagram pattern which was initially proposed by the Greek-Armenian "Ivanovich Gurdjieff" (1877-1949). As declared by Gurdjieff, the characters are subdivided into nine types (i.e., reformer, helper, success seeker, individualist, thoughtful, loyal, fun-love, leader, and pacifist), and each of thess characters carry their specified features, and their own social, intellectual and emotional dimensions. Furthermore, any personality comprises three different aspects: fair, moderate, and unfair. Egyptian writer Ahmad Khalid al-Tawfiq and Iranian writer Mahmoud Etemadzadeh had artistically portrayed all the turbulent situations in their societies and their impacts on the characters in two novels, Utopia and peasant’s daughter. Accordingly, this study adjusts the characters of these two works, based on Enneagram theory. As the result have indicated, in Utopia novel, the seventh type (fun-love) and in the peasant’s daughter novel, the second (i.e., helpers) and eighth (i.e., leader) types have the highest frequency. However, most of the characters of both novels are grouped as focused and possess an unfair character. The social turmoil, the imbalance and social support, injustices and lack of law and violation of human rights are among the causes that impact the character's mental health and lead to the psychological turmoil, personality disorders and abnormal behavior. 
The notion of "character" is one of the pivotal elements in the framework of any story, and the structure of the story is built upon this element. Precisely, the presence of a character in any literary work is essential considering the fact that a story cannot take shape without the presence of a character. There are numerous theories and patterns regarding the understanding of personalities and various character types, each of which describes and categorizes characters based on different patterns. One of these theories is the Enneagram. The Enneagram is a ninefold pattern of personalities aimed at familiarizing individuals with the dimensions of human character, as well as promoting further growth and self-awareness. This theory was initially introduced by George Ivanovich Gurdjieff, a Russian mystic.
This research employs a descriptive-analytical methodology and the process of data collection is conducted in a library style, and its theoretical framework has also been based on the American school of comparative literature.
Results and Discussion:
Gurdjieff has based his teachings on the coordination of the three centers of human consciousness (the thinking center, the emotional center, and the moving center). He believd that these three centers must function in harmony for what is learned to have real value. According to Gurdjieff's viewpoint, the Enneagram model is a nine-pointed, nine-sided figure, where each personality type falls within a group. Furthermore, each personality owns its social, intellectual, and emotional dimensions. The personality types which are presented in these two novels include types Two, Three, Six, Seven, Eight, and Nine. The characteristics and levels of mental health of the main personalities (Safiye, Morad, Alaa, Serjani, Jaber, and Soghra; Haj Ahmad, Ahmad Gol, Mahdi, Balqis) have been examined, and the secondary personalities (Nargis, Khadija, Abbas-e-Mar, Moshti Aghdokht, Ibrahim, Rostam Ali, Germaine, Larraine, Rasam, Saleh, Ezzat, Mohtaram, Sarwar, Rabaabeh, Alijan) have been assessed. In the novel Utopia, types one, four, five, and six are not pointed out, while in the novel Peasant Daughter, types one, four, five, and nine are absent.
As implied by Enneagram personality model, most of these characters are at an average and unsound level of personality. The authors have depicted a social condition in these two works in which the majority of their personalities, whether rich or poor, have lost their equilibrium of personality. In Utopia, social turmoil, the greed and avarice of individuals in accumulating wealth and losing a sense of community, as well as the abundance of blessings and their improper use, have led the characters towards negative qualities of an unhealthy hedonistic type, such as depression, isolation, aggression, excessive indulgence in sexual pleasures, drug addiction, callousness, and dragging them towards behaviors that include a lack of empathy and compassion. In a way, youths see their escape from the perspective of facing dangers and killing poor individuals. In the novel Peasant’s Daughter, the confrontation between the landlords and the peasants, the economic crises caused by war and the emergence of new movements on the lower classes of society, and the economic situation of the people have greatly affected them and led individuals to lean towards average and unhealthy levels in the face of unresolved problems. What has led to commonality between the two novels, in addition to employing more unhealthy personalities against healthy personalities, is a societal condition that both authors have described. In both communities, a mental security that individuals' psychological well-being is dependent on has been disturbed, and a form of anxiety in personalities has been created, bringing them closer to average and unhealthy levels of personalityt. 


Main Subjects

Article Title [العربیة]

طوبولوجیا شخصیّات روایتی یوتوبیا (احمدخالدالتوفیق) و بنت الفلاح (محمود اعتمادزاده) علی ضوء نمط الإنیاجرام

Abstract [العربیة]

أحد أسالیب الجدیدة فی الشخصیة، هو نمط الإنیاجرام الذی اقترحه الیونانی الأرمنی إیفانوفیتش غوردجییف (1877-1949) لأول مرّة. حسب رأی غوردجییف تنقسم الشخصیات إلی تسعة أنواع (المصلح، المساعد، المنجز، المنفرد، الباحث، المخلص، المتحمس، القائد والمسالم) ولکل واحدة منها أبعادها الاجتماعیة والفکریة والعاطفیة. بالإضافة إلی ذلک، فإن کل شخصیة تتکون من ثلاثة جوانب: سلیمة، متوسطة وغیرسلیمة. قدصوّر الکاتب المصری أحمد خالد التوفیق والکاتب الإیرانی محمود اعتمادزاده فی روایتی یوتوبیا (المدینة الفاضلة) و بنت‌الفلاح بکل براعة، الوضع المضطرب لمجتمعاتهما وتأثیره علی الشخصیات. لذلک، فإن هذه الدراسة تقوم بمقارنة شخصیات هاتین الروایتین، علی ضوء نظریة الإنیاجرام. أما ما توصلنا إلیه فی هذا البحث، فإن للنوع السابع (المتحمس) من روایة یوتوبیا، والنوع الثانی (المسـاعد) والنوع الثامن (القائد) من روایة بنت-الفلاح، أعلی تکرر؛ إلا أن معظم الشخصیات فی‌الروایتین تحتل الطبقات الوسطی وغیرسلیمة من صحة الشخصیة. الاضطرابات فی‌المجتمع وعدم التوازن وفقدان الدعم الاجتماعی والظلم وانعدام القانون وانتهاک حقوق‌الإنسان من الأسباب التی أثرّت علی الصحة النفسیة للأفراد وتسببت فی اضطرابات نفسیة واضطرابات فی الشخصیة وسلوکیات غیرطبیعیة.

Keywords [العربیة]

  • یوتوبیا
  • بنت‌الفلاح
  • إنیاجرام
  • الطوبولوجیا
  • الشخصیة
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